Cradle Health
Pudiyador's Cradle Program plays a role in caring for over 125 mothers and their babies across our four communities. We conduct 8-10 week programs (twice annually) for young parents, expectant/new mothers, and their infants. We educate young women about personal health and hygiene, provide a safe space for discussion, offer guidance in nourishment, and empower them to make individual choices for themselves and their babies. Our goal is to foster competent mothers who have the skillset to raise happy and healthy babies.
Pregnancy Health and Hygiene Practices
Through our program, we cover topics on basic nutrition for mothers and children, as well as physical and emotional well-being during and post pregnancy. These workshops allow for mothers to prepare and equip themselves for the inevitable change that is to occur when a new life is brought into this world. Workshops may include activities such as yoga and meditation. We are proud to see our mothers fighting harder for themselves and their children by providing accessible health care as well as reliable information and support.
A Support System
Our 10-week program allows for a safe environment in which expecting mothers can discuss topics of tension that may arise within their household due to the pregnancy, as well as potential fears and uncertainties that the mothers may face in the months ahead (post labour). Weekly meetings allow for the mothers to bond through shared experience and create a holistic and reliable support system throughout their pregnancy.
Empowerment Through Pregnancy & Childbirth
We understand that educating young women has widespread and long-lasting effects on any community, and through workshops, we hope to facilitate change. We run sessions on logistical planning of childbirth, discussions of common needs during and post pregnancy, and we advocate for individual rights of our mothers. We play a role in ensuring that our mothers have a safe and supportive environment throughout their pregnancy.
Skill Building to Support Oneself and Their Family
In workshops, we discuss with mothers the importance of nourishment not only for the baby, but for themselves pre and post birth. We help mothers prepare their homes for their expected child and introduce nourishment techniques that optimize needed vitamins and proteins. Equally, we recognize the importance of physical and cognitive development within the first two years of a child’s life. In holding discussions with regards to early development, we initiate a conscious start to a child’s development (both physical and intellectual) and thus encouraging the child to overcome their socioeconomic disadvantages and increasing their chances of having a happy and healthy life
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